Where is the Strength of Youth

The coolness of youth is a great search by all people in all times and the search for the fountain of youth was and is subjects of scripts and histories that permeate time. Is it that such searches happen but do not  encounter the secret of youth?

Here I want to bring a great Christian experience: “The truth strength and freshness of youth comes from God”

The book of the prophet Isaiah, the prophet of consolation and of hope in chapter 40 verse 29 and 31 tells us: He give strength to the weak, and builds the strength to those who do not have vigor. Even youth become tired, and the young men shall fall, but those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength and raise up with wings as Eagles; they will run and not be tired, they will walk and not be tired.”

This is the confidence that we bring in life and that we experience day by day. Sin ages the body, soul and spirit. Sin imprisons and stains the true face of the image and similarity of God that we are. Therefore, the great fight of living PHN (Por Hoje Não-For today No I will not sin) to be Youth Healed (being holy) being Jesus Revolution.

Our beloved Pope Benedict XVI says to the youth: “Do not be discouraged

Christ is fully conscience of all that can destroy the happiness of men. Therefore, they should not be surprised that contradictions raise. Do not be discouraged because of those. Having built on the rock means having certain that our difficult moments have a sure strength in which one can trust.

It is the youth…our fount of youth is Jesus Christ it is His Holy Spirit acting in us, giving us strength in the fight against sin, maturing us each day and allowing us to be free and youth in spirit.

Antonieta Santana Pereira Sales

translated from Portuguese