Religious Freedom: An Instrument of Respect of Human Dignity

The theme of religious freedom in the Lay state has been the subject of frequent debates in diverse social groups, principally among politicians, academics and religious. However, many that enter this tempest of ideas forget the principle focus of this liberty: Who are the individuals that constitute this State. The respect to the dignity of the human person needs to be the center of this discussion.

On this issue, the Catholic Church manifests that the right to freedom of religion is rooted in the human person’s own dignity. When one recognizes religious freedom, the dignity of the human person, and it is respected at its roots, he affirms the Declaration of the Vatican II Council Dignitatis Humanae promoted by Pope Paul VI December 7 1965.

Solidifying the correlation between liberty and dignity, we observe in our Federal Constitution [Brazil], the manifestation of this through the Right of Religious Liberty, of Association and of Worship. The Citizens possess the right to exercise and manifest freely their faith, both publicly and privately.

This constitutional guarantee is a tool of promotion of human dignity, through which the secular state protects all individuals who wish to express their faith. Any political instrument that may have the objective of impediment of the exercise of religious liberty can be considered of ideological character, since the repression of this achievement by government agencies [religious freedom] is hardly democratic.

Of this form, for the exercise of Justice, it becomes necessary to recognize the dignity of each one, whom, “unless religious freedom is guaranteed and lived in its essence, [it] ends up being curtailed and offended, exposed to the risk of falling under the sway of idols, of relative goods which then become absolute.” affirmed Pope Benedict XVI, in his annual message for the Word Day of Peace

Therefore, religious freedom in the State is a guarantee, a constitutional right that should be observed over all through public organizations. This right becomes an instrument for respecting human dignity protected by the democratic state. All form of repression and discourse against religious liberty transforms the citizens into victims of personal ideological projects, in which is never seen the promotion of human dignity.

Ricardo Gaiotti Silva

Attorney, Missionary of the Canção Nova (New Song) Community.

Translated from Portuguese