Consecrated, One Who Enjoys

Ademir Costa

Yesterday was a great experience of going to a sports venue to attend the final championship of Brazilian basketball here in São Jose dos Campos. There in a simple way, I could join the other fans cheering, screaming, roaring, thrilling me … There I could be myself …

I enjoyed myself a lot in a healthy manner, I did something that I like and love a lot which is go to a sports event. However, with a difference, I did all in a Christian manner, and had the certainty that I evangelized with my way of being. I met persons and I shared life.

You, my brother and sister, do not need to be narrow-minded, having fun is a dimension of the human person. A fun event is not losing time as many think. And thus it is not sin. I can go to the cinema, theater shopping, amusement parks, farms, beach, pool, stadium… The only secret is to be discerning to know how to choose well the diversion, to have conscience of the place where you are going, to observe if it is going to be a cause of good or bad.

The important thing is to know that to have fun in a healthy manner is Christian, this is a great witness for this world.

Ademir Costa

Ademir Costa is a consecrated member of the Canção Nova Community. He writes from São Jose dos Campos, São Paulo State, Brazil.

Translated from Portuguese