Exercise of Love for Jesus

We all know that love of God expresses itself in love for neighbor, and thank God that we do not lack in one moment a neighbor with which to manifest this love. With certainty today, of a special manner, someone will be on our road that we may love them concretely. Be attentive, because in these unexpected visits, whomever comes is Jesus Himself disguised in our brothers. 

“Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and we did not give you food? With thirst and we did not give you to drink? In truth I say to you, that all that times that you did this for the least of my brothers, it was to me that you did this!” (Mt 25:37)

Let us then do the exercise of welcoming each person as Jesus Himself, independent of whomever they may be. Upon seeing someone, we say to ourselves: Jesus is hidden in this person. Go doing a marvelous exercise of faith and love. 

Today will be the day of beautiful experiences, if we open our hearts to live the newness itself of this day that Heaven reserved for each one of us. 

We ask the Lord for the grace that we may do good today unconditionally. 

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese