Message of Fatima to be Reflected Upon During Retreat at Shrine March 24-30

The three Fatima Visionaries: The young visionaries of Fatima (from left) -Sister Lucia, Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta-in 1917. Public domain

The World Apostleship of Fatima (A.M.F.) is organizing in its international center in Fatima Portugal, from the 24th to 30th of March, a Program of study and reflection on the Message of Fatima. The retreat is directed principally to members from the United States and close to 150 have signed up.

The event will unite studies of the Message of Fatima and family of the three shepherd children, with the objective of transmitting the essence of the Fatima message and the form of how this constitutes an answer to the problems of the world is experiencing.

The program was elaborated to offer the participants a memorable experience in Fatima. Proposed presently are visits to where the apparitions took place, conferences, moments of prayer in the Fatima Shrine, films and documentaries falling debate and, therefore, formation on how to spread the Fatima Message.

The world Wide Apostolate of Fatima is an internation association of faithful, recognized by the Vatican, whose principal mission is the new evangelization through the experience and the dissemination of the Message of Fatima.

Source:  Canção Nova (New Song) News and Vatican Radio

Translated from Portuguese