The Joy of Consecrated Life

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity of going to Campos do Jordão. There I met with Rosiselda, a sister of the community that opted for contemplative life, in the cloister of the Monastery of Benedictine Sisters.

The cloister was not made by sad persons, much the contrary, one perceives that they meet with truth. One truth that was not outside, but they encountered the true freedom in the interior of their souls. As St. Augustine said: “Do not go outside, enter yourself, the truth lives in the interior man: Noli foras ire, in teipsum redi: in interiore homine habitat veritas.

As my heart rejoiced in seeing the joy of this sister, through the encounter with that which fills her interior.

I too am happy, I am consecrated, I am happy, I am Canção Nova, I am The Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, nothing in lacking to me, I am realized…

My brother if you feel in your heart this call to consecrated life, ask the Lord the discernment in your heart to show you where your place is.

Ademir Costa

Translated from Portuguese