Canção Nova FM Releases Weekly Top 10 on 3/18/2011

Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil–Over the air and internet radio station Radio Canção Nova (New Song) FM has released its top ten list for the week on March 18, 2011. The Portuguese language Catholic radio station that offers music, preaching, prayer and other elements of Catholic life is part of the network of the Canção Nova (New Song) Catholic Community of Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil. The community also has mission houses throughout Brazil and in various countries in the world. The US Mission house is in Marietta, Georgia.

The charism of the order is evangelization through the electronic media. Canção Nova operates a television network, AM and FM radio networks, book, cd, and dvd publishing divisions as well as retreats throughout the world. The community has a stadium on its Cachoeira Paulista campus exclusively for evangelization retreats. The order also publishes blogs, including this one.

The order is already webcasting its US online radio station geared to Portuguese and English speaking Catholics.The official launch of the radio station will be later this month.

The Top Songs are:

1- Salette Ferreira- Restaura Nossa Casa [Restore Our House]

2- Ministério Anunciação- Recebe Senhor [Receive Lord]

3- Marcio Todeschini- A Força do Amor [The Force of Love]

4- Dunga- Como não falar do seu Amor? [How Not to Speak of His Love]

5- Dalvimar Gallo- Molda-me [Mold Me]

6- VXM- Não vou mudar [I Will Not Change]

7- Monsenhor Jonas Abib- Não dá mais prá voltar [No Longer Returning]

8- Kyrios Reggae- Sonhos de Deus [Dreams of God]

9- Eliana Ribeiro- Força e Vitória [Strength and Victory]

10- Bruno Camurati- Maltrapilho [Ragamuffin]

Click here to access the website of the The Brazilian Based Canção Nova FM