St. Joseph: Man Chosen by God

The Gospel of St. Matthew relates to us the Geneology of Jesus from Abraham to Joseph. Jesus is son of David through Joseph, who married the Virgin Mary. In general, the figure of St. Joseph that has been presented to us does not correspond unfortunately, to reality. There are images of St. Joseph, old, without strength, fragile because of age.

It is necessary to make a change of mentality, for the Word of God presents us St. Joseph, man, respectable man, wise, in full strength of his virility. The terms “man” and “fair” cover all the virtues that elevate a man who walks in the laws of God and have “righteousness and holiness all the days of his life, totally different from a” frail old man. ”
Each woman needs to find security in the man through his character, his strength, and also for the physical. God himself chose a man like this to be the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So as the Almighty chose the best woman to be the mother of His Son, in the same way, He chose the best man to be the adoptive father of His Son, Jesus, because He wanted to have a family.
God Bless You!
Monsenhor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

(Excerpt of the book “Homem e mulher em sintonia” [Man and Woman in Tune] by Monsignor Jonas Abib).

translated from Portuguese