St. Benedict the Black, Patron of Cooks

I want in a few words to relate the history of St. Benedict “The Black”, for the devotion to him in Brazil is quite popular. Many times we see the image of this saint in the kitchen of various houses. His image is in the kitchens of this vast country because he is the patron saint of cooks, the convent where he lived was also where he performed this function.

Benedict with the nickname of The Moor or “The Back, as he is known here is Brazil, was born in Sicily (Italy). The son of slaves coming from Ethiopia to San Fratello, in Sicily, he sold his goods and made himself an eremite franciscan in the neighborhoods of Palermo. He dedicated himself to the convent to work in the kitchen, after even being a lay man and illiterate, he was elected superior of the monastery. He died in 1589. His devotion then spread through Italy, Spain, Portugual, Brazil and Mexico. Pope Pius 8th inscribe him in the roll of saints.

The devotion of the patron of cooks grew from this history. We because of this man of God that it is possible to do all in the name of evangelization. That franciscan in the simplicity did the best for the other brothers of the monastery and did all with joy on his face.

St. Benedict the Black, Pray for us!

Fabiano Carlos Souza
translated from Portuguese