Pope Benedict XVI arrived at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington accompanied by a delegation of the Holy See. The Pontiff was received by President George Bush and the First Lady Laura. Students of the Bishop McNamara High School a school specializing in teaching music were present and greeted the Pope with music. A strong security force was put toether around the the US Capital. Here in Washington the Pope will remain for 3 days. Afterwards he will head for New York City. This is the 8th international trip for Benedict XVI en his three of his ponfiticate.
Pope Benedict is the only head of state to be greeted by the president at Andrews. Normally it is tradition to greet world leaders at the White House.
The Plane arrived flying two flags one the US Flag of the Stars and Strips and the other the Vatican Flag. The US flag was on the right side the traditional place on honor the American colors in the United State. an interesting choice because the Pope comes from Vatican City State and is flying an Italian Airliner. The placement of the colors can clearly be seen as a mark of respect for the country to which he is arriving.
The Unirted States rolled out the red carpet in the form of Stepways for deplaning the aircraft onto the tarmac.