Trust in God Always

Hello my blogging friends, today I would like to share from God’s word in Jeremiah 17, 7 – “Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord, the Lord Himself will be his safety. He will be like a tree planted by the water.” Today is what I wish for you my friends, trust in the Lord who helps in all things … in our lives, He does not disappoint us, much less abandon us. He is always present in our lives and sends people to help us realize this before our crisis and difficulties. Just like this tree that is planted near running water, we also seek the fountain of water that is always in motion bringing us pure water. However, we have our weaknesses, problems, difficulties, if we have dry roots, because our trust in the Lord is unfailing, He is coming to save us. Today we can renew in our hearts faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. If you lose heart, get up and go back to the Source which renews all things.

A big hug to everyone!
Jimmy Fioramonti
(Knees to the ground, families standing)

Comunidade Canção Nova
New Song Community

translated from Portuguese