It Is Necessary to Allow God to Lead Our Will

Foto: Maria Andrea

The modern man wants to cast God from his history, he wants to do all through his own will. If we assume the Lord as our only God, we will be greatly loved, free persons. When a person discovers this, he begins to smile and to value himself, because he discovers that around him is God.

In Lent, we need to pass through the grinder in order to cast out our excesses. The Christians that do not pass through the grinder of God do not obtain an opening of their heart in order that He can guide their road. Then they begin to find the happiness where it isn’t. The true happiness is Jesus Christ and it is in Heaven that we encounter the complete happiness.

If you allow God to guide your roads, you have nothing to fear. The one that does not obey the voice of the Lord always walk backwards, because he is not able to hear His voice.

When we put into our heads that we need to hear the Word of God, we will transform [our country]. If the country is the way it is, it is our fault because we give in to temptation. The Christian must learn to follow and hear the voice of the Lord, but to do so, you must stop, be silent. If we do our will and we hear the voice of our hearts we are not happy. We were not born to walk alone, we need to take the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ to walk.

The further away man is from God, he becomes more humanized and begins to seek the vices. They we blame our problems on the family. But in most cases, our ills are ourselves from seeking to commit sins. It is necessary at this time of Lent, we assume the truths for our lives, because we were created in the image and likeness of God.

Father Ademir Pereira

Transcription and adaptation in Portuguese: Michelle Mimoso

Translated from Portuguese