Experience Silence!

Hey guys, peace and goodness!

One of the biggest mistakes we commit, today, with regard to Following Christ and even the exercise of anyrole is not knowing silence.

Have you ever stopped to think how easily we lose concentration? Any noise, however simple it may be, takes away our focus, draws our attention and distracts us from the goal.

Were not this natural tendency enough, the world has also added to this, because everything is very “noisy”: the music, the cars, the street. We cannot “hear the silence” we do not hear the voice of nature, we do not hear even ourselves or the brother who is on our side, who lives with us, who works in the same department, and even more: we do not hear God’s voice who speaks in silence.Have you ever noticed that when we got home the first thing we do is turn on the TVor stereo?

Unless we know silence, We can not listen to the voice of God, nor listen to a brother, not even to ourselves or to our conscience, and that is where error occurs, that error can change an entire life.

Oh, how nice it would if we learned to be silent, as do the monks, hermits, saints, scholars, mystics! Men and women who have taken refuge in special places that they have a special silence, nature, solitude.And when there’s nobody around we encounter God, we find ourselves we find everyone.

Silence is the first song that the music minister needs to hear. Knowing to live in the solitude is a sign of spiritual maturity.

In the beginning it is not easy to deal with silence, we have difficulties. But that’s to be expected because we were not accustomed. However, with discipline and perseverance, it develops from what is not natural to us to something spontaneous.

Hush! And listen to the most beautiful voice of all. What voice is this? Experience silence!

Deus abençoe, [God Bless You]

We are together!

Emanuel Stênio

translated from Portuguese