Archbishop of Rio De Janeiro Deplores School Shooting

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The Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Dom Orani João Tempesta, deplored the attack on Thursday  at the Municipal School Tasso da Silveira, Realengo in the west of Rio.

To Dom Orani, the shooter “hurt not only those affected but also people from Rio.”

According to the Health Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro, there are at least 11 fatalities, including the gunman Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, 23. To date, there were more than 29 wounded, treated in various hospitals in the capital.

See below the note from the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro

“The attack by gunmen against pupils, students, staff and others, now the morning at the Municipal School Tasso Silveira, Realengo, west of our city, which also resulted in deaths and the consequent death of the shooter, not just those injured who were affected, but also all citizens of Rio.

As shepherd of this Archdiocese, I deeply regret what happened, I pray and unite myself in the pain of all who have been victimized, parents,relatives and friends. I ask the Lord Jesus in this time of Lent, to comfort all and I also send a special blessing, asking God that this act does not happen again in our city.”

Rio de Janeiro, 7 of April de 2011

Dom Orani João Tempesta
Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro

This is not an official translation

translated from Portuguese