Holiness Is Not Utopia

It is possible to be holy in our days. We have many examples of that it is possible. Enough seeing the life of the beatified: Pope John Paul II and Mother Theresa of Calcutta.

In the Catechesis for this past Wednesday, Benedict XVI spoke to us on holiness “[…] Holiness, the fullness of Christian life, does not consist in completing extraordinary actions, but in uniting oneself to Christ, in living his mysteries, in making ours his attitudes, his thoughts, his behaviors…It is to be conformed to Jesus.” (Benedict XVI 04/13/2011)

Holiness is possible, it is grace of the Holy Spirit that lives in us through our baptism. Therefore, we do not follow the voices of the world, but the voice of Jesus Christ manifested by His Church, through the mouth of our Pope Benedict XVI.

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translated from Portuguese