Patience in Prayer

[The purpose of this blog is to share Catholic reflections that are primarily from the Canção Nova Community. Sebastião Soares contacted me via twitter and shared with me his blog. He is not a member of Canção Nova, he is a Catholic college student in Universidade Da Região De Joinville in Brazil where he studies economics and is from Santa Catarina in Southern Brazil. I thank  Sebastião Soares for sharing his blog thoughts with us. Please note, if you look at his profile you will notice that an astrological sign is listed, that is a feature of blogger that is not removable. Astrology is not practiced by Sebastião nor any faithful Catholics. Canção Nova uses WordPress]

Sebastião Soares is a Catholic Rock Artist and A Student of Economics

A young woman dreamed that she had died and went to Heaven.

Then an angel showed him a glorious city, she saw a pile of crates near the corner.

Verifying that his name was written on all of them, she asked the angel what it meant.

“Well,” she said, “I remember having prayed asking for these things on Earth.”

The Angel responded:

Yes, when whomever of the children of God ask Him, all preparations are initiated in order to meet those requests.

But the angels are trained to return in all cases that the person requesting is not waiting for the response.

How many times have we turned to God asking for His intervention in situations that afflict us?

With what frequency have we called to the Lord for our necessities most urgent?

And have we known to wait for the answer?

Have we had patience for all that happens in God’s time?

Many times we ask something of God, we return to ask the the following day, we insist one one day more and if the answer does not come at the speed we desire, we stop praying and until we forget that need.

We stop perserving in the faith and we lose the blessing that God had prepared for us simply because we act as if we may not want it anymore.

The secret of a blessed life before God consists in trusting always that He will do it.

It can take a day, a year, ten years… but we continue believing that in the certain time and in the correct way, “He will answer us.”

If you have put on the altar of God the conversion of a dear person, if you are keeping the realization of a great dream, if you are praying for much time for something that will make your life much better, do not be discouraged, trust, hope and his blessing will arrive and will not delay.

Sebastião Soares

translated from Portuguese