Duc In Altum! Advance to Deeper Waters

Jesus says to Peter: “Do not be afraid! From now on you will be a fisher of men. Go much deeper, and there cast your nets to fish.” Luke 5:4 & 10

Jesus sees beyond what our eyes can see. In accordance with the narration of St. Luke, they had two boats, but the Lord chose Peter’s boat to enter and speak with the people.

With certainty, whenever Jesus announced to the people, His words were penetrating the heart of Simon. Jesus made the choice, not only of entering Peter’s boat, but also in his history. The Lord before calling him, first prepared him.

Only the fact of Jesus choosing between two boats, that of Peter, to speak to the people was already a “proud” motive for Simon.

Jesus orders Peter, to cast his net more into the deep…testing the faith of Peter.

Of course, that like the Fisherman Simon, he knew the sea much better than Jesus! But the word of the Lord was and is so strong that he convinced him…”But by your word, I will cast out the nets.”

Which effect has the Word of God made in my life? Where am I casting my nets? These are the questions in order that you and I may be able to meditate and avail ourselves as chosen sons and daughters of God.

It was not I who chose, it was the Lord that chose to enter the boat of my life. The word of Jesus is so strong and convincing, but so simple, that we can run the risk of not being accustom to it. Like the small fish that  we caught. We need to leave the superficiality and advance into deeper waters. Duc in altum! Launch out into high seas.

This move to deeper waters is out of the shallow elements of a life of prayer, relationships,friendships, intimacy with God, the surface area of evangelization.

The command of the Lord is: Do not be afraid! In other words: I am with you in your boat, I fish with you! Courage! Duc in Altum!

Peter left all, and followed Jesus. He left all that was much precious, his work, his source of income, all that he knew to do well. The Lord calls us all the time.

What do I need to leave? Which acts, situations hold me and impede my advancing?

The decision is mine, I am free to choose. Only I have two choices: or I remain stranded with a boat in the shallows, and I continue dying, without fish, without life, without shine…or I allow this Word of Jesus to invade all my being, my history and advance in the sea of the mercy of the Lord. There I will be happy.

“Pois só é feliz quem realiza sua própria vocação”. [“for one is only happy who realizes his proper vocation”] Nelsinho Córrea

This was a bible study what was done in 2010 in the discipulado [ formal discipleship formation that consecrated members of Canção Nova experience] and I desire share it with you.

Abraço (embrace)

Deus lhe abençoe! [God bless you!]

Adailton Batista

Translated from Portuguese