Am I Shepherd or Hireling?

The author (R) with a friend

We know that through the sacrament the pastors that drive the flock of the Church are the Pope, the Bishops and the priests. However, also the laity are pastors, when God trusts a small flock for which we are responsible as coordinators of pastorates, movements, prayer groups, liturgical teams, responsible for certain departments or functions inside of a community or mission.

When the pastor arrives at the sheepfold, his sheep know his voice and his steps, later they are going near to him, because they know that there they will be lead and there they will be secure. The Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep.

“The hired hand, however, who is not a the shepherd, and to whom the sheep do not belong, when he sees the wolf coming, abandons the sheep and runs; the wolf robs and scatters the sheep.” (John 10:12)

My brothers and sisters, we should be good pastors, the small flock that God trusts to us. We will give account before God for each sheep that was lost on the road because of our hypocrisy.

What type of “Authority or co-ordinator” have we been in service of the Lord? Have we been the Good Shepherd or the hireling.

Ademir Costa

Translated from Portuguese