Do Not Stop, God Does Not Leave Us in a Routine

God does not leave us in routine. From time to time, he brings us new things. He is going bring us new things. He unfolds that which he creates. He goes on pointing new realities and will lead us to new directions, which before we could not imagine. This is the work of God: admirable to our eyes. A heart that adores the Lord does not lose the capacity of marveling itself before this work of restoration that He realizes. We cannot stop. We cannot age. We are and will be always new when we abandon ourselves in the hands of God.” Monsignor Jonas Abib.
We need to be docile the will of God. Although the will of God is what always pleases us. But remember although painful it may be, the will of God is what will make us happy. Have you chosen to reject the visits of God in your life? We must take care that the news of our time does not cause murmuring in our soul.

We must take care that the news does not cause this time murmuring in our soul.

We are of God and we need to give different responses and in God, before the realities and news of our life.
One defines the totality of a consecrated person, through the totality of his self-giving.” St. Thomas Aquinas.
God Bless You!
Adailton Batista
translated from Portuguese