
Faith is the certainty of what we hope for, assurances of realities that are not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Naaman had already dipped four times in the water and nothing had happened, he looked at the place where the leprosy was and can see that it was still there. But Naaman does not give up and continues to dip into the water of the Jordan River confident that the Lord God can heal his wounds even looking at his body and seeing that the wounds were there.

Many times we look that nothing will happen that God did not intervene in our lives and situations, but as Naaman needs to have this eye of faith to believe that God will act in a certain moment.

A little further in this text it is going to speak that the Fathers of the faith saw the promises from a distance and they believed and embraced these promises. (Hebrews 11:13), it is in such moments that we need to reclaim the promises that God makes to us and to go beyond what we see or hear.

Naaman understood this, that the promise made to him from the mouth of a prophet will be realized in his life, for what the Lord promises he completes.

Therefore, I want to invite you to proclaim together the grace of faith in our lives!

God Bless your life!

Father Bruno

Lord I believe, but increase my Faith!

Translated from Portuguese