Holy Sexuality

To reject the teaching of God is to slander God himself, who gave us His Holy Spirit. Holiness is not only purity, chastity is not only, but also to live a holy sexuality. The enemy of the Lord has used our sexuality to block our path to holiness.

The Almighty wanted to men and woman participate in His power of creation, therefore He gave them organs of generation. It is through sexuality masculine and feminine that we bring forth children for God the Father. Our sexuality is holy and was given to us for holiness. But the evil one used and abused this. Now is the time that we say enough of this. We are no longer fools! We must not be naive in the hands of the enemy. Already we are misled by temptation; the mentality of the world influences us.

God bless you!
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

(Excerpt from the book “Eu e minha casa serviremos ao Senhor” [I and My House Will Serve the Lord by Monsignor Jonas Abib].

translated from Portuguese