Being Happy in Cuiabá

Members of the Canção Nova Mission House celebrating. The Author is the front right. The caption is: "Being Canção Nova is Great!"

Invited to be of God is synonymous with being invited to happiness! This year of 2011 God has given me the grace of living in the Mission in Cuiabá [Brazil].

I testify that this is a key year in all my life. How good it is to be in a place chosen by God! How good it is to be among those imbued with the same missionary spirit and passion and how it is to experience the grace of God passing through our poor life to bring transformation in the lives of others.

Therefore, do not spare any pains to respond to the call of the Lord, but with determination fight against all that is going against the call of God for your life. Only in God is our heart fully happy.

Big hug,


Edmilson Dias

Seminarian –Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese