The Vocation to be Saints

When we speak of vocation, we should not think only in terms of priestly vocations or consecrated life. The word “vocation” means “called” to choose and of the disposition for something or for some mission. Or it maybe we are also called to the vocation of matrimony or religious. Upon living the true vocational call, we are being recognized by God and are responding to His call.

The catechism of the Church tells us that the first vocation of humanity is to seek intimate communion with God, a life of holiness. And, therefore, through Baptism we need to take possession of what we are  sons and daughters of God, in order that we may seek to be saints. Before our birth we are chosen by God the Father and for God that loved us first and  predestined us to be irreproachable in holiness. God chooses us to make His glory shine.

“It was not you who chose me, but I choose you, and called you to go and bear fruit that may last.” (Jn 15:16)

Therefore, live your vocation in marriage, in celibacy and as youth, for you have a vocation. You are called to this great grace to the love of God, for this, you only need to have the courage to accept your call to your vocation.

God Bless You!

Lucas Soares da Silva
called to Canção Nova community
“Perserverance is the secret of the strong-Monsignor Jonas”