40 Days Devotion to St. Michael, Archangel

It is a time of very strong prayer, where the help from Heaven is poured over those that put themselves completely under the protection of St. Michael

For this time prepare a small area with the image of St. Michael and a candle blessed by a priest or deacon. You should also offer a penance, according to the inspiration that may come to your heart. (Example: no smoking, offering for your freedom from the vice; don’t drink coffee at all in the middle of the afternoon, offered for your family). If you forget or miss being faith all the days, do not give up, seek faithfulness!

40 Days Devotion of St. Michael the Archangel

August 15 to the Feast Day of the Archangels 29th of September

Little Exorcism: St. Michael the Archangel defends us in battle, be our refuge against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

Litany of St. Michael

Lord, have mercy on us R. Lord have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ have mercy on us R. Jesus Christ, have mercy on us,
Lord, have mercy on us R. Lord, have mercy on us,
Jesus Christ, hear us Jesus Christ hear us,
Jesus Christ graciously hear us, Jesus Christ, graciously hear us,
(In this part the response is Have mercy on us. At Holy Mary. . . and beyond the response is “Pray for us“)

Celestial Father who is God, Have mercy on us
Son Redeemer of the World, who is God, Have mercy on us
HOLY TRINITY who is only one God, Have mercy on us
Holy Mary Queen of Angels, pray for us,
St. Michael Archangel, pray for us,
St. Michael, full of the Grace of GOD,
St. Michael, perfect adorer of the Divine Word,
St. Michael, powerful prince of the armies of God,
St. Michael, standard bearer of the Holy Trinity,
St. Michael, guardian of paradise
St. Michael, guide and consoler of the Israelite people
St. Michael, splendor and strength of the Church militant,
St. Michael, honor and joy of the Church triumphant,
St. Michael, light of angels,
St. Michael, bulwark of the true faith,
St. Michael, force of those that fight for banner of the cross,
St. Michael, light and confidence of souls in the last moment of life.
St. Michael, certain help,
St. Michael, our help in all adversities,
St. Michael, messenger of the eternal sentence,
St. Michael, consoler of the souls in purgatory, you to whom the Lord is incumbent upon to receive the souls after death,
St. Michael, St. Michael, our prince,
St. Michael, advocate,
St. Michael, conqueror of Lucifer,
St. Michael, Angelof faith and of Humility,
St. Michael, who vindicates the inalienable rights of God,
St. Michael, prince of Heaven, posted guard of the elect of God, that is the Church,
St. Michael, defender against the iniquities of the centuries,
St. Michael, patron of the moribound,
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, pardon us LORD.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us LORD.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, hear us.
Jesus Christ, graciously hear us.
Pray for us, glorious St. Michael, prince of the Church of Jesus Christ. R. in order that we may be worthy of Your promises.
Let Us Pray: God omnipotent and eternal, concede to us the help of your holy angels and spiritual armies, in order that through them we may remain protected from the terrible satanic attakcs and from other malignant spirits and through the precious blood of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST and the intercession of the Holy and Immaculate Virgin MARY, free from all dangers we may be able to serve you in peace, through OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST YOUR SON, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

LORD JESUS CHRIST, santify us for a blessing ever new and concede to us through the intercession of ST. MICHAEL, the wisdom that teaches us to gather the riches of Heaven and to exchange the good of the present time for the eternal goods. You that live and reign forever and ever. Amen.


O noble Prince of Angels, valiant warrior of the Almighty, zealous defender of the glory of the Lord, terror of rebellious spirits, love and delight of all the just angel, my beloved Archangel St. Michael, wishing to be made part of the number of your devotees and servants to you today I consecrate myself, I give myself and offer myself and I put myself, my family, and all that belongs to me under your powerful protection.

It is little to offer you my serve, being as I am a miserable sinner, but you magnify the love of my heart; remember that today on I am under your provision and ask you to assist me for all my life and to obtain for me the pardon of my many and grave sins, the grace of loving God with all my heart, my dear Savior Jesus Christ and my mother Mary Most Holy, obtain for me that help that is necessary to obtain the crown of eternal glory.

Defend me from the enemies of the soul especially in the hour of death. Come of glorious prince, help me in the ultimate fight and with your powerful soul cast far away into the abyss of hell, that prideful angel, breaker of promises and that one day you subdued in combat in Heaven.

St. Michael Archangel, defend us in the battle that we may not perish under the supreme judge. Amen.

translated from Portuguese