Divine Providence

Members of the Cuiabá Mission celebrating. The Author is on the far right. The caption is: "Being Canção Nova is Great!"

Another of  our principals is Living in Divine Providence. “Our trust never may be in business, banks, commerce or politics. We live in total dependence on the Lord. I know in which I put my trust,” our founder Monsignor Jonas Abib teaches us.

The story of Canção Nova confirms the generosity of God. This is my seventh year in the Community–that is little in relation to the time since the founding, but it is sufficient to testify that God goes beyond ourselves!

In addition to material providence that manifests itself vigorously over all these years of the Community, it is impossible not to recognize the provident care of the Father in each detail of the history of the Community, in the life of every consecrated member, collaborator or member of the great Canção Nova Family to whom we are destined. God cares for us!

That which Canção Nova lives is not something extraordinary, but a reality that also you can experience in your life. Give your yes to God and let it guide your road.

Buscai em primeiro lugar o Reino de Deus e a sua justiça, e todas as coisas vos serão dadas por acréscimo” (Mt 6,33).

“Seek first the Reign of God and His justice and all these things will be given your in addition.”  (Mt 6:33)

Big Hug,


Edmilson Dias

Seminarian– Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese