Young People, We Welcome the Visit of Jesus and His Mother

Young People, we are going to give welcome to the Missionary Cross and to the Icon of Our Lady of World Youth Day. As we begin today, these signs, given originally by the Blessed John Paul II to the youth is going to travel all the diocese of Brazil and also to the Capitals of the countries of Southern Cone of South America until it arrives in Rio de Janeiro, in July of 2013.

Let us all rejoice! On the pilgrim cross, we choose Jesus himself who comes to our encounter us and visits the youth and the communities of Brazil; in the icon, we welcome the visit filled with grace of Our Lady. She accompanies Jesus and never fails, where the disciples of Jesus are united in his name!

The Boat of Faith in this encounter! The Church invites us to the encounter with Jesus and with God Himself. He is going seek us. As the persons of Galilee, Samaria and Judea walked to the encounter, thus Jesus now comes to encounter us. Millions of youth in the entire world, already welcomed Christ through his cross. Now He arrives to the Brazilian youth!

The Boat of Faith in Jesus Christ, Son of God Savior! The preparation for WYD Rio-2010 is a singular occasion to renew our Christian life, to deepen the reasons of our Christian faith! We are missionary disciples of Jesus Christ, promised to Him, with St. Paul, we can say, “We boast in the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ!” In him is our salvation, life and resurrection!”

The Boat of Faith in the World Youth Day of 2010! From the announcement of the Day, through the Pope Benedict XVI, it is a blessing for the Church in Brazil! The passing of the cross through many cities of the Land of the Holy Cross. [The Land of the Holy Cross-Terra de la Santa Cruz-is the original Portuguese name of Brazil] will be an occasion for a true popular mission that will the Jesus himself as missionary accompanied by his Mother.

The Boat of Faith in youth! Young people, the Church wishes you well! The Pope trust in you! And you will be in the center of the scene in these next 2 years in all of Brazil. Jesus wants to wish you well and that you come to meet Him. We are welcoming Him with joy and much faith. The entire world will be fixed in gaze upon the youth of Brazil.

The Boat of Faith in the Church and her mission. The theme of World Youth Day Rio-2013-“Go, then, to make all peoples my disciples”-chosen through Pope Benedict XVI, indicates the mission of all of us, the youth too. We are not alone. Jesus accompanies us all days, until the end of times. And his Mother, our Lady of the Visitation comforts us and blesses us!

Cardinal Odilo P. Scherer

Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Published in O SÃO PAULO, special ed. 09/18/2011
Take Note!
check out backstage of Bote Fé: Galeria Flickr cancaonovasp

check out the photos of the event from the Archdiocese of Sao Paulo, Brazil
also see : (Portuguese)
Twitter: @botefe

Translated from Portuguese, This is not an official translation

from the Canção Nova mission in São Paulo