Mass presided by Cardinal Damasceno in Commemoration of 80 Years of the Christ Redeemer Statue.

Cristo Redentor 80 anos

Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis-President of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) and Cardinal of the Sanctuary of Our Lady Aparecida, presided at Holy Mass recently, In the Alto do Corcovado in commemoration of the 80 years of the Christ Redeemer Statue (Cristo Redentor) in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The celebration marked the beginning of festivities that will happen throughout the month of October. The moment also was an opportunity to speak of the Social Action that was born of the Sanctuary.

In a beautifully sunny day, typical of the city of Rio de Janeiro, under open skies, and at the feet of the Christ Redeemer Statue, His Eminence Cardinal Damasceno celebrated for the first time this Holy mass in the Alto do Corcovado. He stressed as this principal point the protection of God through the intercession of Our Lady Aparecida for all the population of Rio de Janeiro, and for all of Brazil

In his homily, Cardinal Damasceno spoke of the importance of the inspirited word of God contained in Sacred Scripture, and, that it needs to be the daily food in Christian life, in daily family life, and that  it is contained in the beauty of creation

“I believe that, here of Christ Redeemer there is no one that has not be filled with emotion, nor moved nor contemplated truly of the beauty of nature, also the infinite beauty of God, our Father, our Creator,” he stressed

The monument inaugurated on October 12 1931 by His Eminence Cardinal Sebastian Leme. The area is a post card of the city of Rio de Janeiro and attracts many tourists.

Fr. Omar, Rector of the Christ Redeemer Sanctuary spoke of Social Action that began on the 8th of October, a new stage of the Sanctuary. The project: Action  of Love of Christ Redeemer will have various social actions in various places of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the first play will be Realengo, in the East Zone of the State.

The project wants to bring actions that promote the citizenship, hope, strength and faith of the People of Rio de Janeiro. Fr. Oman re-affirmed that the “Project wants to benefit all the population that carry some lack or emptiness, not only from the materialistic point of view, but also for advice,  a reference so that people’s lives may make sense. And when Christ Redeemer descends from Corcovado, He certainly is going to bring much hope and much happiness to the people of Rio de Janeiro.”

Projects like these, and others are on the calender of the Shrine will happen until the end of the year. The great moment is marked by the day of 12th of October, the entire day will be a celebration with a Show for Peace, that will unite national and international musicians and will happen in the Aterro do Flamengo.

Fátima Lima Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese