What Does Our Presence Cause In Our Environments.

Our presence, our environment in which we live, needs to speak of difference in all ways, but, in a particular manner, we need to be promoters of peace, instruments of reconciliation among persons. Perhaps, in the environment where we work, or where we live, that are two or more persons that do not speak, that do not support each others and live in a standing war. Our posture needs to be of someone that does not put the fuel on the fire. On the contrary, we should share the friendship between them, speaking always of the good of one to the other, showing the virtues that perhaps that they cannot see, always, point to the positive. Insisting that the love of God is conqueror in their lives,  for, with certainty, this will  be joyful to the heart of God.

“Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NAB)

We harvest what we plant, if  we plant well, we will harvest well, if we plant evil, we will harvest evil.

That the good God bless us and makes us instruments of His peace.

Thank you Jesus!

Luzia Santiago

Translated from Portuguese