Faith Breaks Barriers

With the courage of faith, we need to live this day in a different manner: If in our work, and in school there are intrigues and divisions, we can be a sign of unity, the same way in our family and in all areas of our life.

Many times, We may consider ourselves better than the person with whom we live, but, in truth, “we all value that we are before  God, and nothing more”. May we be humble.

“In fact, I am comprehending that the Lord does not make a distinction between persons” (Acts 10:34b)

If God does not make a distinction of persons, we cannot do it either. On the contrary, we need to welcome with love and happiness the brothers and sisters that the Lord put in our lives, independent of heart, country, social position, language or religion.

We need to be sign of joy and of hope to all persons that will pass through our life today. Let us ask the Lord for this grace.

Jesus I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese