The Power of the Decision

Many times, for little or almost nothing, we ended up losing all. We give much value to what has no value, or still, we devalue what is valuable. Have you already stopped to observe that we are not satisfied with anything, and therefore, we always find reasons to complain, argue or get angry?

The truth is that we end up creating a tempest in a tea cup and complicating what is not complicated. And what is the reason for doing this?

Our selfishness. The problem is in fact of wanting things my way and in the hour that I want them; wanting always to be right, to be the owner of truth…all these are situations that makes us lose everything.

Reviewing the facts and analyzing better, we can perceive that we grow tired very easily with whatever things. We act as walking time bombs about to explode to whatever moment and hurting those around us. And what is worse: running the risk of ending up alone.

Look: situations, problems, difficulties and contradictions always will exist. But in you is the power to make a storm happen or not. If you are one of those that fight for whatever thing, then learn to act differently. Remember in you is the power of decision. Therefore, as the word teaches, “Be ready to hear, but slow to speak and slower to anger.” James 1:19

Think of this.

Deus abençoe você!!!

God Bless You!

With My Prayers,

Natal CN

translated from Portuguese