The Condition to Be with Christ in Glory

In this excerpt from the book of Revelation, we encounter a great promise of Jesus.

I reprove and teach those that I love. Be strong, therefore, and be converted. It is I at the door knocking; if someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter in his house and we will eat, Me with him and he with me. I will make the victor to sit himself with Me on My throne, as also I conquered and am seated with My Father at His throne.” (Rev. 3:19-21)

We are on the road of this victory. We want to be with Jesus in glory, we want to sit ourselves with Him, as He is seated with the Father in Heaven. But Jesus Himself tells that there is a condition for this:

“If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and do not drink His blood, you will not have live in you. Whomever nourishes himself with my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will resurrect you in the last day.” (John 6:53-55)

If we want to have life in ourselves, full life and eternal life, we need the Eucharist, frequent reception of the Eucharist and adoration of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament to conquer with Him and to resurrect on the last day. Upon participating actively in the sacrifice of the Holy Mass, when we communicate with the Body and Blood of Christ, He renews for us the same sacrifice of Calvary.

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Founder of the Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese