Lord Wipe My Tears

Lord, wipe my tears. You cried at the death of your friend Lazarus. You had compassion for the widow who lost her only son. “Father, take from me this chalice,” was what you prayed at the dusk before your condemnation, crucifixion and death. You know the pain of death. Help me!

I lost a person most dear in my life. He was all dedication, warmth and understanding. I am anxious for his presence, for his illuminated face. At his side, I felt strong. Life made sense. Obstacles were conquered and difficulties were overcome. How good it was! As much as was done, probably, we never knew how much was wanted. He did so much for me! And always without ever asking. He spared no needs that I may not lack the little things. He lived for the others without measuring the cost and the sacrifice. Present, humble, welcoming, coherent, free, understanding. Thank you for the love of your presence, Lord, in the life of whom I loved. He helped me to be more.

Now he is not at my side. You called him. He responded. For me, it was an irreparable loss, there is no substitute. Time passes despressed. There is a strong pain in my chest. To whom can I go, but to You, Lord? Help me to pass on the good that I received graciously. I believe in life beyond this one. I believe that I come from you, in You and for You I live and to you I walk. Dry my tears, helping to make happy those that surround me. Welcome joined to you, that with whom I lived love, commitment, faithfulness and friendship. Taht I may have peace! Amen.

Author unknown

from Canção Nova Cuiaba, Brazil

Translated from Portuguese