We Pass the Fire of the Holy Spirit onto Others

Jesus will return to restore all things. He needs to clean this world. Taking the wheat from among the tare. He already waited too much. He is anxious for the hour to come and to find His Wife: us, His Church. In these urgent times of engagement for the “Groom”, the evangelization that we do cannot be an evangelization whatever. It is not to count on little stories or simple reflections. The great grace, today, is giving the Holy Spirit. It is to bring persons to receive the pouring our of the Spirit, the grace that Jesus announced saying:

“You, it is in the Spirit that you will be baptized” (Acts 1:5)

Who is full of the Holy Spirit, show bring Him to others. A lit candle can bring fire to many others. It is thus that one passes on fire. It is thus that one passes on the Holy Spirit of God! This is the mission that falls to us. Today the Church that is the fiancé urgently needs this grace. She ends up being stricken by pain, and the efficient remedy that God gives to her is the Holy Spirit; He needs to heal His fiancé; it is urgent to free her and prepare her for the groom is arriving.

God bless you!
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community.

(Excerpt from the book “Eu e minha casa serviremos ao Senhor” [Me and My House Will Serve the Lord]  by Monsignor Jonas Abib)

translated from Portuguese