God Is Gestating Your Miracle

Faith that learns to wait to contemplate great miracles.

We are in a world that wants all yesterday; we learn, we get accustomed and many times we accommodate ourselves with the “fast-food” culture, we want everything fast, fast food, fast cars, fast computadors. . .and today the ultimate novelty is “fast-miracle”, we want to receive immediately after having made the request, but if we think a little more we are going to describe that not all miracles are instantaneous and this can be a good sign for you.

We begin to think for example of the marvelous miracle of life, in the birth of a baby, it is not enough that the parents desire a child greatly, they love him and they are healthy… it is necessary to be friend of the time and wait the necessary time in order that the baby is completely developed, and only afterwards comes the birth. There exists a proper time for the birth and when this time, in form is accelerated a miscarriage occurs.

We should be able to speak of various similar examples to illustrate the importance of knowing to wait the for the opportune time as the: growth of life on the earth, the construction of a great building or of a Cathedral, and even the Incarnation (First Coming of Jesus) that St. Paul in Galatians says that a determined time existed (Gal 4:4). This includes even a marriage, his chances of continuing are directly proportional to the time and on all the quality of time that one has “before” marriage, but I think that the example of the hug already is sufficient.

And you stopped yourself perhaps your faith may be a culture of “fast-food”? And that still you do not receive that which you acts exactly because God does not want that you may have an aborted miracle? Have you thought of this? You want to live in the fast food faith, in delivery faith (you ask and it arrives) caring many times is expensive but is not always so good! the babies they don’t like that. We have to learn much about gestation.

God is gestating your miracle, but have patience, when the hour arrive indicated it is going to be born so it is with gestation although you may see the baby directly, he is there, although waiting long through 9 months in little time so much suffering, nausea, shortness of breath, pains in the body, etc. and the birth then. And if we ask the women, “Was the sacrifice worth it?” “Yes!” they are going to tell us, as Jesus says: “When a woman is going to give birth, she feels sadness, because the hour has arrived to her, but when the child is born, her joy makes her forget the passed suffering and she is happy for having brought a child to the world” (John 16:21) for this have faith, have an unbreakable faith. God is gestating your miracle, and when it arrives it will give you notice, because you needed all that time and all the suffering of gestation passes, and  bringing enough time (your eyes, because everything needs the correct time to develop)  it is because the miracle is immense, it is grandiose, believe in this: God is creating miracles.

God Bless You,

Father Sostenes Viera

Canção Nova Community-Mission House in Nazareth, Israel.

translated by Portuguese