Book Excerpts

Being Catholic in the USA

I work in several languages and it is my position that all Catholics need to be at least diglots, (speak two languages) if not polyglots (speak more than two.) Many in the United States reject that position. “This is America!” You will hear them say, “Speak English!” This is not a Catholic position but a secular US position. Indeed, as Catholics if we only speak English then we close ourselves to the way of international fellowship with those who worship as we do. Continue reading →

Be Committed to Christ Everyday

The focus of the 2008 presidential primary election season was bringing change. God calls for change as well, but it is a change of hearts, not of governments. Jesus called his listeners to repent; he never demanded that they overthrow the government. Nor did He call for acts of terrorism in any, way, shape or form. The same can be said for Paul who demanded support for the emperor despite the fact that the emperor ultimately had him executed. Continue reading →