How can I have the hope that the future will be better?

How Can I Have Hope Before a Frustrated Perspective?

Saying that “while we live, there will be challenges, but with the courage to stand up to them we are going to win” would be unnecessary, since Jesus himself has spoken about it for over 2000 years ago: “in this world you will have tribulations. Courage! I have conquered the world “(John 16.33).

Como posso ter esperança de que o futuro será melhor
Photo: g-stockstudio, iStock by getty images

However, there are times when the questions have great strength and directly influence our lives.What to do, for example, with frustrated prospects, when dreams seem increasingly distant, when the losses seem bigger than the winnings and the errors are more than those hits?

What to do when you look back and you got the feeling that you did everything wrong and nobody else believes in you? Or worse, when you stopped believing in yourself? The questions are inevitable, but the answers are slow to arrive. The fact is that when we go through difficult moments, usually we can’t see God’s action in the events. We lack the strength to pray and see beyond our hurt feelings; so it’s hard to believe that miracles can happen. The numerous questions have the same root, hopelessness, lack of faith.


God expects a chance to change your life

At this time, perhaps you’ve wondered if it is worth it to continue or you ask yourself what is the meaning of life and if there is still a hope. The answer, however, is not the result of an internet search, for example, it’s inside of you and it has a name: God! He still believes in you! Yes, God didn’t give up of you and remains at your side waiting for a chance to change your life. He believes in your potential, the capacity to love, to overcome, go one step further in the direction of dreams that He has planted in your heart from the very first moment of your existence. God dreams about you and wants your happiness. “I know very well of the plans that I have for you, Oracle of the Lord! It is a project of happiness, not misery: it gives you a future, a hope. ” (Jer 29.11)
Therefore, even if today you are without hope, raise your head, look at the sky and think of God as a kind and loving Father who is now at your side.

And since God believes in you, you believe in you, and let yourself be led by the force for good in your soul. In the process of new life, try not to blame anyone. Remember that we are a free people and what happens to us is the result of our choices. Don’t fall into the temptation of blaming people and choosing to be a victim, that just stands in the way of new project that God wants to give you. Search and rebuild your story from the truth because when you reach out, you make a big discovery: realize that you are capable of love and you begin to love concretely even in pain.

I know it’s not easy to change your way of thinking and acting, but it’s important to remember what is possible with the grace of God. Don’t give up! You can have hope that your future will be better, because God believes in you!