Wednesday, 4 de April de 2018, 1h01 Take Pleasure in Reading the Bible God acts in all situations of our life, in fact, He takes care of us! When we decide to follow Jesus, many persecute us. We do not need to fear those who persecute us, those who are against God, for...
Tuesday, 3 de April de 2018, 1h01 Call Out to Mary In the most difficult hours I call out to Mary Nothing we put in prayer is unanswered, for “the eyes of the Lord are turned to the righteous, his ears are attentive to his cry for help” (Ps 34:16). Every...
Monday, 2 de April de 2018, 1h01 In God, Everything Is Transformed A whole new life is possible. When Scripture tells us not to remember the “things of old,” it is not really a matter of forgetting, but of not living as slaves of events that are no longer there. We must...
Sunday, 1 de April de 2018, 1h01 A Blessed Easter-Feliz Páscoa EASTER IS THE INVITATION TO RENEW OUR FAITH IN THE RESURRECTION SAYS ARCHBISHOP Salvador, Bahia, Brazil–In an Easter message, the Archbishop of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil affirms that the resurrection of Christ requires the act of faith of mankind From...
Friday, 30 de March de 2018, 1h01 Are Our Sins Forgiven at Mass? THE PENITENTIAL RITE Is every sin forgiven at Mass? The sin confessed at the Mass helps us to celebrate the Eucharist better. The Eucharist is the apex of the Christian life, for it is the memorial of Jesus’ sacrifice of...
Thursday, 29 de March de 2018, 1h01 Chrism Mass Homily: Cardinal Seán O'Malley When I was studying at Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen Seminary, there were of course no computers or internet. In fact there were no televisions or radios and very seldom was a seminarian allowed to make a telephone call. The one concession to...