
Sex Out of Marriage is a Grave Ethical Disorder

source from ACI Digital via Canção Nova News The President of the Pontifical Council for Life and the Family, Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, defended the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, and said that sexual activity outside of marriage presupposes a large disorder from the ethical point of view. During the presentation of the Journey Catholics and Public Life  in Bilbao, Spain, the cardinal pointed out that sex is “a language...

Do You Know The Crown of the Precious Blood of Jesus?

Lent is a time of prayer that prepares us for the greatfeast of Easter, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus. In our parishes and also in Canção Nova at Cachoeira Paulista-SP Brazil there are liturgies of Holy Week: I invite you to pray thisprayer for the conversion of all of your family and friends who have not known the love of God through the Precious Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross: Start praying the Creed and then...