
O Soldier of Christ, Fight for the Crown of Salvation (II Tim 1:6-14)

In the second letter of Paul to Timothy, we encounter this exhortation that presents itself profoundly person and alive. Paul offers his example, remembering his ministry and preparing himself for martyrdom. It is a true alert to the reality of false teachers who have increased and strengthened themselves in those last days. Where the responsibility of the community of which are those that act as soldier, laborer, farmer, faithful servant, by giving a courageous testimony. We should not fear the growth of evil, for its defeat is inevitable. This letter is for us real and signifcant for also we live situations where draws near to the time of such interactions and the persecutions increase: We life in a time of hostilities and persecutions where the faith suffer attacks. Therefore, before this context grows the question: Our life of faith prepares us for trial or for defeat? I believe that we should review it with sincertiy and truth in view of repentance and of conversion. Continue reading →