Monday, 12 de June de 2017, 1h01 Let's Open Our Heart to the Peace of God The love of God is shed deep into our hearts, and each one of us can plunge into the His peace. “ I leave you peace, my peace I give unto you; but not as the world. Don’t let your heart be...
Sunday, 11 de June de 2017, 1h01 God and His universe are so much greater than our ability to understand them. By ESA/Hubble, CC BY 4.0, Link Today we celebrate what I consider the most important Solemnity for our time. Obviously, the most important solemnity for the history of our faith is Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. St. Paul reminds us...
Friday, 9 de June de 2017, 1h01 The Church Complete Lesson 23: Unity in the Diversity We are united to the Christ in a very special way through Baptism and Eucharist. We actually participate in His Death and Resurrection through Baptism, in a mysterious but real concrete way. “Or are you unaware that we who were...
Thursday, 8 de June de 2017, 1h01 Transformed by Worship Jesus invites to be worshippers and fills us with many graces. He wants to convince us that the transformation of our lives happens also through worship. He has for us a project of hope and happiness. It seems impossible, but it is...
Wednesday, 7 de June de 2017, 1h01 God Wants Us to Be Free The Lord created us to be free men and women “Never forget that blindly to follow the impulse of our emotions often means we become slaves to our passions” (John Paul II). The Lord created us to be free men...
Tuesday, 6 de June de 2017, 1h01 Faith Overcomes the Challenges of the Day to Day Living Faith is the certainty of hope in what we don’t see “How can I question what God can do?”. We all traveled a path in the certainty that we are pilgrims on this earth, because our goal is Heaven; and...