House of God

I am crazy for the love of Jesus. It gives me a crisis of joy, in which, I was studying the scriptures, for I was reading a commentary of a thinker on the new testament text Matthew 9:14-15. This text looking at it immediately speaks of fasting, but looking more deeply it is discussing other things.

The disciples of John the Baptist asked why the disciples of Jesus do not do the same thing as the pharisees. Amazingly is Jesus response: It is possible to fast when the groom is present?

I am marveled with this, for Jesus does not discuss fasting but the tradition. The disciples of John the Baptist learn to do a form of the will of God and now they criticize the way of Jesus Christ. Christ is tearing the old rags. He is destroying the old wine skins, for the new wine cannot contain it anymore. Amazingly, for Jesus is that which is new, that is beside what they may think.

The baptist maintains himself in the ancient tradition, looking to work a new traditioin through the ancient prophets. Jesu bring a new thing in the tradition because the truth in God is immutable, or saying better: God is the only truth, beauty so old it is always new. (Saint Augustine)

I am crazy with love for having arrived at this illumination. This text always perturbed me, because I did not have an answer that passes in front of it. Now I see clearly that which he is discussing. Jesus really is the new tradition, the new law, the new Adam.

Looking through St Francis, I searched to under how to receive this newness inside of one. St Francis, was one of those with a radical conversion accepting the truth of God in his life. The saint of Assisi, accepted and was transformed anew to this newness to Jesus.

Gotas de Asis

Translated from Portuguese

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