Our Lady of Hope

The devotion of Our Lady of Hope dates back many centuries. It became more intense at the time of discovery through the faith of the navigators that, under the protection of the VirginMary, ventured out on seas never before navigated upon. In Belmonte, the birthplace of  Pedro Alvares Cabral, is venerated Our Lady of Hope. The image, weighing 90kg (198.5 lbs), is carved in stone, has the infant Jesus on her lap, looking  to a dove sitting on the right arm of Mary. The story goes that the King Dom Manuel, on March 8, 1500, Sunday, after Mass celebrated by Bishop Diego Ortiz, saw the caravelas ready  and gave the royal banner and the image of Our Lady of Hope to [Portuguese explorer] Pedro Álvares Cabral. On April 22, after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, Cabral anchored with his fleet in Porto Seguro. The next day, Sunday, all participated in the Mass celebrated by Father Henrique de Coimbra and on the makeshift altar, erected in the shadow of the cross, sat a statue of Our Lady of Hope.

painting recreating the arrival of the statue

Prayer to Our Lady of Hope:

O Mary, my mother, I kneel before you, with a heavy heart. The burden of my sins oppresses me. The knowledge of my weakness discourages me. I am troubled from fears and temptations of every kind. But I’m so attached to things of this world, that rather than striving for heaven I am filled with anguish at the thought of death. O Mother of mercy,have mercy on me in my misery! You all-powerful next to your Divine Son. There is no request of your Immaculate Heart that he could refuse. Show yourself a true Mother to me, interceding for me before his throne. O Refuge of Sinners and Hope of the hopeless who returns to me but will I to you? Obtain for me, O Mother of Hope, the grace of true repentance for my sins, the gift of perfect resignation to God’s holy will and the courage to take up my cross and follow Jesus. But above all I ask you, O dearest Mother, that by your most powerful intercession my heart is full of hope for Holy in the darkest hour of life, I never cease to trust in God my Savior, but walking the path of His commandments, I may merit to be united with Him and with you in the eternal joys of heaven

Maria, Our Hope, have mercy on us. Help of the desperate, Pray for us.

Edilma Vanderlei de Oliveira

Translated from Portuguese