In actual times in which our society and the media have presented other models of family, we Christians, we need to be conscious and convicted of what is the true model of the family that God created.
But what position does the family occupy in the plan of God’s creation? “A man and a woman that marry constitutes a family with their children. God wants as much as possible, that children are born of the love of parents. The children, entrusted to the protection and the care of their parents have the same dignity of the parents. YOUCAT § 368.
The best way of combating wrong ideas on the family is to announce what is the truth of what it is to be family according to the original project of God, with the Sacred Scriptures as the base. Sacred Tradition and from the Magisterium of the Church.
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It is in the family that the boy-man-as my grandfather used to say-looking to the life of his father with his attitudes and words, learns to be men of the future. As also it is in the family cradle that the girl-woman looking to life of her mother, with all that she is and does, wears and speaks that the girl learns to be woman.
Unfortunately, the actual scene of tecular TV through soap operas and reality programs has shown and instilled in the mind of so many youth and children the ideology that is normal and natural for the father to leave the mother and remain with another woman; that it is normal for a man to dress in woman’s clothing and to behave like them and vice-versa. The truth is taht these behaviors are anti-natural and completely contrary to the plan of God for Men and Women.
The family is and should be the community in which from infancy, one can assimilate the moral values, such as honor God and correctly use our freedom. CCC2207
Making it necessary to put rules and limits on those children on what they can and cannot attend, hear and read. Without rules and limits no project arrives at its original end.
Benedict XVI says that: “The family is a necessary good for the people, an indispensable foundation for society and a great treasure of spouses during all of life. It is a unsubstitutable good for the children, that there are to be fruits of love, of total and generous giving of the parents.”
That each one of us value families and be conscious of the importance of fathers to be present present in the life of children. Perhaps you may be asking yourself: And those that do not have a family? That are born in an unwanted pregnancy or of a relationship before marriage? We cannot deny– it is a reality that we face day by day in our country– what do we speak of them?
God in his Divine Providence will be responsible for caring and forming these sons and daughters. He is the Father and does not forsake anyone. But it falls to each one of us to do our part, including welcoming these mothers and children in the various pastoral efforts and projects that the Church offers.
The most important is to know that he family is project and design of God, and He cares, loves and exhorts through the Church herself each one of us!
God bless you!
Adailton Batista.
translated from Portuguese