Who Does the Devil Hate Most in the Church

This is a good reflection to do

Padre José Forteaand the one who helps us to understand a little more on this question is Fr. Jose Fortea, Spanish Exorcist

“The Church counts among its members as Cardinals, Bishops, Pastors of all types, theologians, persons that work with Charity, Missionaries, etc. But the one who devil himself hates is ASCETISISM.

Asceticism. This we can say with surety, because no one is trying as much as the one who is dedicated to ascetism. That case that realizes an ecclesial function or a ministry, brings in this years of, if he decides to begin a life more ascetic, will attest that the temptations are multiplied by one hundred. This owes to the fact that the Evil One knows quite well that the ascetic is a powerful force, he is the force of the Cross, and the force of the cross breaks the influence of the world. Someone would be able to day that the devil what the devil should fear is love and therefore, the one that he hates the most would be the works of charity. But he knows that this is initiated on the road of asceticism, of persevance, God will concede the gift of charity in supreme degrees. However, the one that dedicates himself exclusively to realize the works of charity can never arrive to the life of an ascetic.

There are persons that have dedicated their whole lives to works of charity, and, overall shelter many defects in their soul. Someone can dedicate himself to helping the poor and the sick, for example, however they do it with grumbling, criticism, disobedience, etc. Therefore, if the ascetic perseveres in the gradual purification of his soul, he will obtain all the gifts. Therefore the devil hates the ascetic with greater intensity than the church hierarchy or even exorcists. The exorcist expels in, two, a dozen demons…The ascetic breaks a much more powerful demonic influcence in the world, simply by putting over his body and his spirit the daily passion of his crucified life.”

God Bless You!

Danilo writes from Brazil and can be reached at livresdetodomal@cancaonova.com His twitter account is @danilogesualdo I do not know if he understands English.

translated from Portuguese