Without Discipline There Is No Holiness

Pray using your Smartphone in the airplane mode or without WiFi

I am uncomfortable to be in prayer and touching my cellphone and when it vibrates with notifications…it is horrible. Prayer is the moment of intimacy with God, amoment of silence and listening to the Lord.

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It is not possible in the XXI Century, in the middle of the universe of technology to live without enjoying it. Although it is necessary to have equilibrium and discipline.

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Without discipline, there is no holiness, Monsignor Jonas Abib alerts us in various preachings. When I go to the chapel to do my personal prayer, I put my cellular in the airplane mode and at times I shut it off. So I shut off the notifications and I concentrate on prayer.

Even though we use applications that contribute to our spirituality, these can trap us.

The airplane mode is simple: It cuts all signals transmitted and received. In other others to activate it, you cannot make or receive calls, access the internet, utilize GPS or share files through Bluetooth.

You are in an important meeting, at Mass, talking with friends or  simply you do not want to be interrupted in the moment. Suddenly, it appears that you cellular begins to scream, vibrate, and play ringtones making it impossible to maintain concentration with these alerts that are uncomfortable and to lure and catch you to the cellular so that you will verify in that instant what is happening.

The airplane mode also serves to silence this.

May God be with you always,

#Tamujunto Adailton Batista
translated from Portuguese