I Am Not Patient! Now What?

Do you consider yourself a patient person? Can you wait for what you want without being anxious? Or are you an immediate person that wants things “yesterday”? 

This is a character for what is immediate. A direct way of proceeding, without mediation nor detours.” Our better, it is a person that cannot wait because she is moved by pressure in obtaining that which she wants. It is a person that has the tendency in being direct, anxious, impulsive and impatient. 

Such a person is a reality that demands of us a conscience and the daily fight in not allowing ourselves to by impulsive. “Whomever is in a hurry eats what is raw, ” says a popular saying. When one lives based in hurry to resolved challenges without thinking how to act, she runs the great risk of living in superficiality and being frustrated with the final results. 

Therefore, pray with the psalmist:

Trust in the LORD and do good
that you may dwell in the land* and live secure.
Find your delight in the LORD
who will give you your heart’s desire.

Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will act

New American Bible. (2011). (Revised Edition., Ps 37:3–5). Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

God Bless You


Fernanda Soares

Canção Nova Missionary

Original Portuguese version