The Prophet Does Not Speak to Please Others

prophetsStudying prophetic literature in the Bible, I observed some prophetic characteristicis in the Old and New Testaments that we should apply to our evangelizing mission of being actual prophets of the Church that Jesus founded. 

  • Speak the truths of God
  • Denounce with words and with your own life.
  • Do not speak to please others.
  • Don’t sell yourself and do not sell the Word of God.


According to these prophetic characteristics, I see that we cannot remain with alienating and degrading movements that rule society. The more faithful to the truth, the more God speaks through the prophet.

We cannot remain silent for the alienating impositions of culture that manipulate the conscience of people like the abortion “lobby”. A “lobby” against the truth essence of the family and marriage, freedom in marijuana, euthanasia… These movements after much hammering on the head of the people, approve profane laws for the justification of promiscuous tendencies in society. Then can wait as already other projects are cocked that will come to the surface soon. If the people do not speak, the rocks will fall. We cannot be intimidated, we need to denounce the truth is the truth!… The Church needs prophets of truth! We cannot be stuck with anyone! Our commitment is with God. If it is to be prophet, we are going to be prophets of truth!

We cannot remain silent for the alienating impositions of culture that manipulate the conscience of people like the abortion “lobby”. A “lobby” against the truth essence of the family and marriage, freedom in marijuana, euthanasia… These movements after much hammering on the head of the people, approve profane laws for the justification of promiscuous tendencies in society. Then can wait as already other projects are cocked that will come to the surface soon. If the people do not speak, the rocks will fall. We cannot be intimidated, we need to denounce the truth is the truth!… The Church needs prophets of truth! We cannot be stuck with anyone! Our commitment is with God. If it is to be prophet, we are going to be prophets of truth!

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