20 Tips for Your to Plan and to Live the Year 2016

20 dicas para viver bem o ano de 2016Take courage, commit and move on:

1. Pray more …

We could not start any other way than praying more. We are taken up by our hectic day  full of tasks, and it will always be so. But we can prioritize this year 2016 to be better with God through prayer.

2. Don’t bury living things, one day they come back …

Start the year seeking reconciliation. Yes, probably in the year that has passed you may have experienced difficult situations with loved ones, situations that hurt you and hurt. But it is time to forgive and resume! In God we know that everything can be done again, so it’s time to patch things up with people who for some reason drifted apart.

3. Call a friend with whom you no longer speak.
I’ve seen small gestures of affection to save lives, surely you must have someone very special to whom  you haven’t spoken.

4. Read more …
Proposes to read some books during this year that will help you grow as a person and for God. If you arrange to purchase them and read to the end.

5. practice some sort of physical activity
Although it is difficult to fit into our daily physical activity, we need to get organized to get us out of our complacency and inactivity.

6. Spend more time with his family.
We have time for everything, and we can fit more commitments and in our daily lives, but we need to be we prioritize our family any longer. We need to invest in quality and be more presence.
Certainly our children and spouses will thank the Division of activities and the sharing of presence. All gain from it.

7. go to the kitchen.
If you’re not accustomed to cooking, take a chance! Commit at least one day a week the meal that will be at your own risk … lol … You will see the fruits of this initiative!

8. Listen to the oldest …
There is a wisdom stored in these people that only life and time can teach. Do not waste these opportunities!

9. Let the social networks and the Internet in Offline
I know that this item you speak it’s impossible! But deep down you know it’s not! If you humanize a bit more on this day, come out to see the nature, meet new people. The digital you is no longer to be who you really are!

10. Organize, fix your wardrobe and donate what you no longer use.
I know people who are true accumulators of stuff. Clothes and more clothes that don’t use and don’t even know they have, but there, inside the wardrobe. Used shoes, shelves full of dust … It’s time to let go and know that there are a lot of people on the street in need of these things that are thrown in your wardrobe!

11. know who’s on your side.
We live in the same House for years and we don’t even know the name of our neighbor. We worked for decades at the same company and we do not know the name of the woman who cleans our tables every day. It’s time to be more vigilant with who’s on our side.

12. move away from those who move away from God.
There are people who have the ability of taking us away from God and his purposes for our lives. Don’t be afraid and not even afraid to take a break or a stop this friendship, because usually these people strengthen our ego, but weaken our roots!

13. identify your vices, temptations and sins.
Once identified, it is necessary to get help. Search for a priest, a person who will help you to be more than God. The important thing is that you do not dialogue with your weaknesses, so that they will not weaken your  will!

14. Wake up early …
You’ll find that waking up early will help you in all things. Wake up, make good coffee, eat and pray. This small change will make you someone else.

15. Smile more.
“It’s my problem, but my face is for other”-said dear Monsignor Jonas Abib

16. Cry If necessary.
Sometimes there are situations that the best to do is only to cry. So cry, breathe and resume!

17. Do charity …
Visit a nursing home, a hospital, a patient, donate blood. We must leave our indulgence!

18. Complain less …
Problems always emerge. Try not to whine when they arise and find a friendly way to solve them.

19. Be silent …
Have in your day a real moment of silence. Where you silence the external and internal noises. There is a mysterious wisdom in silence.

20. Have a grateful heart …
We’re not used to being grateful. But thank God the search just for you being alive and breathing right now. But be thankful for the people that surround you, working with you, cooking for you, and to wash your clothes. Always have a thank you at the door of your lips!

God bless you and your purposes!

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