The Dangers in the Ministry of Deliverance

Os perigos no Ministério de LibertaçãoWhere’s the Discernment?

I said in my profile on FACEBOOK that I would write about it, and decided to do it then, because I believe it is of fundamental importance to people who feel called or who already pray for healing and Deliverance to hear this type of information and advice.

What has drawn my attention is that I get daily dozens of emails from people saying that they visited a prayer group and the Coordinator of this group or the servants of this group prayed for her and said that God had revealed that someone did a “work of sorcery“on her, or put some curse on her;
and therefore that she was suffering a lot in her life!
And then people come so desperate requesting that I help them to be released from this “witchcraft”, that I help them to be release from this curse that had been put on them

First the important thing that I want to make it clear to those who pray for healing and deliverance:

Yes there are realities of sorcery, and people who mess with all sorts of the occult and who wish  through it to do evil to people. There is the reality of the curse and that can influence people’s lives; but I want to point out that NOT EVERYTHING MUST BE SAID to the person for whom you are praying .
It takes a great deal of prudence to deal with certain issues, we must use caution with the person involved, to see if she will have the structure and the discernment to receive these types of information. And the most important thing of this first point: we need to EVALUATE IF what the SERVANT IS SAYING REALLY COMES FROM GOD!

There are cases of people seeking prayer groups and the servants to pray for the person and says:
God told me your mother-in-law made a work of macumba to you separate you from your husband.
My God, I’m indignant at these types of things that happen even in prayer groups. I’m saying this based on what I receive by email!
How does a person that is praying for another who is looking for help talk about something like this! How do you think this person will stay with her mother-in-law after “this supposed revelation of God!It’s ridiculous that these kinds of things occur. Or people who pray, and they say that there is a curse that until it is broken, her family will continue suffering.

You Need to Discern!

The worst in all this is that talk about things one shouldn’t say, speaking in the name of God; and still they don’t help the person to continue on the path of holiness.

I repeat here what I learned from Father Rufus Pereira in a meeting we had before of a healing and deliverance encounter here in Canção Nova. He said: “If you meet a case of deliverance, go with it until the end. Don’t start praying for the person and then without finishing her case all the way through, you go start another. Because if that happens you will worsen the case of this person, rather than help her!

That’s what often happens! People begin a process of help and do not continue! They speak about what it was to be retained in the heart and then let the person go full of doubts.
All this is very serious! Lives that are placed in our hands and we have a responsibility for them. Padre Pio has a phrase I always remember when I do a case of Deliverance: “the souls! The souls! If anyone knew the price that they cost“.
If only we had the notion of what Padre Pio said; maybe we should take more seriously the issue of accompanying people in their pain.

Once it became clear that there exists the possibility of witchcraft, occult-related works and curses that may hit our lives, you may be asking yourself: “If God show me this in prayer, what should I do?

First thing is to evaluate if the person receiving this prayer is mature in the faith to receive this type of information, or is this person too fragile in his or her life with God, or this person has so many problems that you won’t know how to minister to the person. I remember years ago when we prayed in the community here in Canção Nova, in a moment of prayer it was shown that there were people devoted to works of witchcraft against the Canção Nova. It was revealed in prayer, but was spoken of in community  because we had a maturity to handle the situation, and we knew that these types of things don’t affect us. And that’s why we put it in the community.

Second thing, If you notice that the person is not ready to receive this type of information, there is no need to say it! Since God has shown such a situation, this also means that He is already acting. God don’t play with these things. He wouldn’t show a situation only with the intention of creating curiosity. Once God reveals something then He’s acting. So you don’t have to say anything. But you guys need to take way this person in prayer, too, so that the process started is surrounded by the force of prayer.

Third thing, is that if God showed a situation, you’ve assumed this person in prayer; now is the time to teach and to help this person to continue the journey so she gets the full release. It’s time for you to say that she needs to engage God’s Word daily, she needs to get to confession, she needs to start praying the Rosary, that she need so be faithful to the Holy Mass.
You need to teach this person how to pray the right way! You need to meet with this person weekly, preferably with the Ministry of intercession prayer group, to pray and to follow-up with this person.And if this person takes up a life of prayer with faithfulness, being accompanied by mature people in prayer, there is no evil, witchcraft, occultism, curse that will not broken and torn.
Evil will always flee from our life when we approach God faithfully. It is God who frees us from evil;it is God who heals and releases us, so the more we are walking with God, the less will be the chance to walk in evil.

I don’t want to go on and on … I believe it was clear that it takes discernment when it comes to praying for healing and deliverance.
We are not without discernment when it involves people’s lives. We don’t want to take steps more than our legs are designed to make, and love is what governs us!

“The souls! The souls! If anyone knew the price they cost “. (Padre Pio).

God bless you!

Portuguese version