Am I Free to Love?

Are you happy as a prisoner in your fears and traumas? You are well in a relationship but do not realize how the person causes you sadness? You want to be alone, you do not know how to encounter one to love? I believe that the answer to these questions may be NO!

Everyone has in their heart the desire to love and to be loved. Love is capable of resuscitating whatever dead area that is inside of us. Perhaps your negation in relation to love is a form of preventing yourself from suffering. But why are we afraid to suffer?  

No one wants to suffer and speaking seriously it is very bad. But when we learn to welcome suffering that constantly visits us we have the capacity to take advantage of it and even benefit from it for our salvation. The person who assumes suffering and decides to love as Christ invites us grows and matures. It is even this, looking back and seeing all that you have suffered and noting in your life the changes that are for the better. If it was for the worse, you probably need to assume that you did not accept that suffering and then suffered the consequences of negation. 

Love is real and it exists in our midst. It is possible to love truly and to be happy with people at your side. Loving is VERY GOOD and it is even better for health. Love brings life to the soul and meaning to life. Therefore, decide for yourself to be FREE TO LOVE. 




Fernanda Soares

[The Revolution Jesus Retreat is going on during this weekend at the Canção Nova Headquarters in Cachoiera Paulista, Brazil. You can watch it via or listen to it via internet radio.—ed.]